What is Render?
Render (RNDR) is a distributed rendering network based on blockchain. It uses idle GPU resources to provide high -efficiency, low cost and reliable 3D rendering services. Render's vision is to create a decentralized digital content market connecting creators and consumers, allowing users to create and trade various virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), games, etc. on them. Render uses a technology called Render token to motivate users to provide GPU computing power and use a technology called Render Graph to support high -quality, low latency and scalable rendering content. RENDER's native currency is RNDR, which is used to purchase and sell rendering content, participate in network governance and maintain network security.
What is the daily volume of (RENDER)?
(RENDER) Volume over the last 24 hours is 60331836.03912119, down -3.81% from one day ago, indicating that recent market activity has fallen.
What is the market value of (RENDER)?
(RENDER) has a market value of 1940709492.406544 and is ranked #41 on CoinGecko today. The market value is obtained by multiplying the token price by the RENDER token liquidity (the 392459381.4554916 million tokens available for trading in the market today).
What is the fully diluted valuation of (RENDER)
The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of (RENDER) is 2631823278.53.
How has RENDER's price performed compared to similar tokens?
(RENDER) The price is down -23.84% in the last 7 days, an underperformance.