What is Pepe?
PEPE is a cryptocurrency based on the Ethereum network. It is inspired by a cartoon frog called Pepe the Frog and spread its values in a funny and rebellious way. The founder of PEPE is a mysterious character who is a pseudonym PEPE The Creator. He founded PEPE in 2020 and positioned it as a social experiment. PEPE is characterized by unlimited supply, random circulation and price, and compatibility with other cryptocurrencies. The goal of PEPE is to become an interesting and unique cryptocurrency that can be used to express their views, emotions and attitudes.
What is the daily volume of PEPE?
PEPE Volume over the last 24 hours is $7206088414.29851, down -1.16% from one day ago, indicating that recent market activity has fallen.
What is the market value of PEPE?
PEPE has a market value of $9110713364.42929 and is ranked #15 on CoinGecko today.
What is the fully diluted valuation of PEPE
The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of PEPE is $9110715530.09.
How has PEPE's price performed compared to similar tokens?
PEPE The price is down 94.58% in the last 7 days, an underperformance.