What is Solana?
Solana is a decentralized computing platform that uses SOL to pay transaction costs and use a consensus mechanism called a historical proof (POH) with the underlying equity proof (POS) consensus. The innovation of Solana is that it can achieve very high transaction speed. Through a series of new technologies, including the Ghost protocol, Reachability, data trimming, and SPV proof. Solana can support 50,000 transactions per second without sacrificing safety, and only the Internet delay time is required to confirm the transaction. Solana's goal is to provide developers and users with a powerful, fast and low -cost blockchain platform, which can support various decentralized applications and smart contracts.
What is the daily volume of SOL?
SOL Volume for the past 24 hours is $5457575057.335254, up 2.22% from a day ago, indicating a recent rise in market activity.
What is the market value of SOL?
SOL has a market value of $103066720856.01154 and is ranked #4 on CoinGecko today.
What is the fully diluted valuation of SOL
The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of SOL is $128497744488.72.
How has SOL's price performed compared to similar tokens?
SOL The price is down 8.11% in the last 7 days, an underperformance.