What is Stellar?
Stellar (XLM) is a cryptocurrency and blockchain platform that can achieve fast, low -cost and cross -border payment and assets tokenization. Stellar uses a federal Byzantine Agreement (FBA) called Stellar Consensus Agreement (SCP), which allows nodes to reach consensus without relying on central authority. Stellar's local token XLM is used for transaction costs, network operations and incentives. Stellar also supports a variety of stablecoins and other digital assets. They are issued by anchor points and provide fiat currency upstream and downstream channels on the Stellar network.
What is the daily volume of XLM?
XLM Volume for the past 24 hours is $702220821.0493281, up 18.98% from a day ago, indicating a recent rise in market activity.
What is the market value of XLM?
XLM has a market value of $4770256656.461027 and is ranked #25 on CoinGecko today.
What is the fully diluted valuation of XLM
The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of XLM is $7969660756.06.
How has XLM's price performed compared to similar tokens?
XLM The price is down 58.12% in the last 7 days, an underperformance.