What is Kaspa?
KASPA is a cryptocurrency based on a ringless graph (DAG). It uses a consensus algorithm called GhostDag to achieve fast, safe and scalable transactions. The founders of Kaspa are Yonatan SomPolinsky and Aviv Zohar. They are primitive authors of the Ghost protocol and the pioneer of DAG technology in the blockchain field. Kaspa's goal is to become a general -purpose cryptocurrency suitable for various use cases, including payment, smart contracts, decentralized applications and privacy protection. Kaspa's internal tokens are KAS, which is used to pay trading costs on the network and motivate nodes to maintain network security.
What is the daily volume of KAS?
KAS Volume for the past 24 hours is $175048947.8365992, up 12.83% from a day ago, indicating a recent rise in market activity.
What is the market value of KAS?
KAS has a market value of $3666888254.3134804 and is ranked #31 on CoinGecko today.
What is the fully diluted valuation of KAS
The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of KAS is $4182938754.
How has KAS's price performed compared to similar tokens?
KAS The price is down 29.96% in the last 7 days, an underperformance.