What is Chainlink?
ChainLink is a decentralized prophet network that can introduce the real world data and events into the blockchain and output the data and events of the blockchain to the real world. The founders of ChainLink are Sergey Nazarov and Steve Ellis. They released the white paper of ChainLink in 2017 and launched their main network in 2019. ChainLink is characterized by flexible, safe and scalable prophet solutions. It uses a tokens called Link to motivate nodes to provide reliable and accurate data, and use a technology called Chainlink VRF to provide Verified randomness. ChainLink's goal is to become a bridge connecting blockchain and real world, which can support various smart contracts and decentralized applications.
What is the daily volume of LINK?
LINK Volume for the past 24 hours is $610274730.4884471, up 4.67% from a day ago, indicating a recent rise in market activity.
What is the market value of LINK?
LINK has a market value of $8869584656.428812 and is ranked #16 on CoinGecko today.
What is the fully diluted valuation of LINK
The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of LINK is $14149453736.15.
How has LINK's price performed compared to similar tokens?
LINK The price is down 4.74% in the last 7 days, an underperformance.