BTC: 55.732653259307
ETH: 16.272344349387
Fear & Greed: 70/100
PancakeSwap v3 (Ethereum)
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About PancakeSwap v3 (Ethereum)

Pancakeswap V3 has been officially launched on BNB Chain and Ethereum! Pancakeswap V3, a popular multi -chain Defi exchange, announced on August 24, 2021 that it was launched on Ethereum Type Network Linea on August 24, 2021. The transaction deployed two new features on Linea. The first is to improve capital efficiency, which will allow liquidity providers to concentrate their capital within a specific price range that occurs at maximum transactions. Pancakeswap V3 provides traders with the lowest cost of the industry, adding fees for liquidity providers, and introducing new tools to use the user experience and more seamless and user -friendly.

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