What is Pendle?
Pendle (PENDLE) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2021and operates on the Ethereum platform. Pendle has a current supply of 258,446,028.24463487 with 235,685,588.24463487 in circulation. The last known price of Pendle is 0.69148864 USD and is down -2.02 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 134 active market(s) with $15,422,705.18 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://pendle.finance/.
What is the daily volume of (PENDLE)?
(PENDLE) Volume over the last 24 hours is 43209366.70796336, down -26.77% from one day ago, indicating that recent market activity has fallen.
What is the market value of (PENDLE)?
(PENDLE) has a market value of 441607059.1105436 and is ranked #120 on CoinGecko today. The market value is obtained by multiplying the token price by the PENDLE token liquidity (the 157201972.27295572 million tokens available for trading in the market today).
What is the fully diluted valuation of (PENDLE)
The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of (PENDLE) is 726018820.39.
How has PENDLE's price performed compared to similar tokens?
(PENDLE) The price is down -28.41% in the last 7 days, an underperformance.